Suggestions on Vice: Dyna-King Barracuda or Barracuda Deluxe?

GRTU Member Portal / Forums / Flyfishing / Flies and Tying / Suggestions on Vice: Dyna-King Barracuda or Barracuda Deluxe?


  • Author
  • February 9, 2023 at 10:57 pm #15753

    I tie both salt and fresh water flies and I’m set on buying a Dyna-King Barracuda. I just don’t know whether to buy the regular or the deluxe. Just curious if anyone has one and has a suggestion. Much appreciated! -David

    February 20, 2023 at 9:19 am #15759

    I bought one of these a few years back and I love it. they don’t get advertised, But the quality is very impressive.

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