Jerry H
Forum Replies Created
Seeing what was going on I was about to do a post on starting a pool as to when things might get to >400cfs but jumping to 1200 is unreal! They are already letting out more than is coming in and I do not beleave that there is any real rain in the forecast is there?
I guess they are not part of the government shutdown. :/
Baker you might have brought up new topic! We might want to start a section for “looking for a fishing/shuttle partner” late this afternoon I decided to throw my inflatable Pike into the truck an paddle up from Rio. About halfway up I was thinking it would have been much nicer to float down! 🙂
I would NOT recommend taking a float tube on the river! Especially one that your feet hang below, the chances of getting hung up on something is huge. But even the ones that are U shaped I would not recommend. These flows are really pushy and you just can’t get the power you need in a tube to maneuver and ferry across the current. IMHO
You might check with Austin Canoe & Kayak (ACK) for rentals. I believe they have a NRS Pike in their fleet. It is an inflatable kayak, it has a “dropped stitched “ floor which is how the make the inflatable standup paddleboards so you can standup in it (But right now I wouldn’t) . They are very stable and easy to transport. You need a battery operated pump or one of the big raft pumps to pump it up. Or one of their fishing kayaks if you have a way to transport it.
And they did! My first text went off at 11:09 saying flows were at 643 cfs, then at midnight, then at 1:09AM, I think that is when my wife woke me up to “ask” me to turn my phone off. 🙂 And I have been getting alerted every hour!
So it does work and might be a good thing if you are planning a trip or a day out on the river when increase in flows are expected. Now I am going to adjust my parameters to <400cfs so I know the minute I can go wade again. 😉
I have been wondering about this myself. I know someplaces (like Arkansas) have a warning system if they are about to open the gates giving anybody on the River time to get to higher ground. I was on the river a while back when they did their “test” and was wondering if that was what was happening. I thought that since things were sketchy anyway it would be nice if we did have a warning system.
i also just found this
You can choose a location, I chose Sattler, and pick the > level for cfs, and how you want to be alerted, text or email, and how often hourly or daily. I just signed up so I have no experience yet as to if it works or becomes a pain in the…phone.
Well since I see no one else has chimed in I will.
You didn’t say how old your daughter is, that and how comfortable she is at wading in moving water will have a lot to do with where and how much you can fish. The flows are still relatively high so that not only makes wading difficult for most of us but it drastically cuts down how much and how far you can wade. Most of the sites at least allow you to get in the water and fish, most of the sites have been stocked so you know there are fish there. Without knowing your abilities I would just say go to a spot and see how things feel. If that doesn’t feel right go to another.
I know this is rather ambiguous but so is flyfishing. 🙂
There is an article in this TU’s Winter TROUT mag about the Whitlock-Vibert Box if you haven’t read it and want to learn more. Jimbo has adapted techniques for conditions we have in the Guad to increase chances of survival for our conditions. I helped out last time and it gave me a completely different look on what it takes for a trout to survive. If you are able and seriously appreciate the fish you are catching you owe it to youself to get involved.
Now the disclaimer 🙂 I don’t know if I will be able to help this time do to some back issues. The same reason I haven’t helped with the last couple stockings. 🙁 But if you get desperate Jimbo let me know, I will pace myself.
What has me concerned is that we could go from 750+cfs down to 100 cfs or lower once we reach pool and no inflow coming in. So, if/when that happens what is the chances of having stranded fish in some of the potholes etc that get left?
Will they taper it or just cut it off? I too thought it would have happened by now.
Your biggest hurdle that time of year going north will be run off. Last year there was not much snow pack but so far this year it starting off pretty well. Tail water fisheries (Navajo, McPhee etc.) might not be too bad unless they need to dump water out of the reservoirs. Like the Guad right now 🙂