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  • September 7, 2024 at 8:20 am #16593

    I swear I could hear the stream and smell the air while reading this and looking at the pictures! Thanks Jimbo!

    August 26, 2024 at 3:17 pm #16472

    Ahhh, my summer reading has finally arrived! What is the next chapter going to bring!

    November 30, 2023 at 7:05 am #16158

    I will be there with my wife. I can’t lift much, but she can!


    May 27, 2022 at 1:02 pm #15309

    FYI We fed fish this AM and #5 at 10:15 was 66 deg.

    And Michael I did not see a rod in the parking lot.

    March 24, 2022 at 9:18 am #15165

    Bill thank you for your replies. And yes, I am painfully aware that nothing happens quick with TPWD, or any government agency. That is why I said now would be a good time to get the ball rolling. OK not rolling, maybe pushing it up the hill. I still think if we were to ask the TU members of GRTU, not here in the LAP section but separately, if they were in support of an artificial only, C&R section of the river that could help extend our fishing season and potentially (hopefully) create a sustainable trout fishery they would be in favor and sign a petition asking for it. I know that Chris, Dan and everybody on the bord is aware of this but having the numbers to back it up will speak louder to TPWD. And if we don’t get the numbers? Well then I guess we are maybe just a “fishing club”.

    On the subject of LAP members not reading this forum I know some have stopped because of all the “complaining “ some have said they can’t get on. You are right Bill this is just the tip of the iceberg so it begs the question why does all this stuff happen on here and not on the TU Chapter or a new Guadalupe page (GRTU NEWS)? When I was not a LAP member I felt like a red headed stepchild, or something, because I knew there were things going on in here that I should know. And now I see things on here that I think is singing to the choir and that the GP needs to here it as well.
    Anyway I know the plans are to update this site and the forum so that is just my two cent worth.
    Thanks again for all Y’all are doing.

    March 22, 2022 at 8:41 am #15153

    I too think this would be a good time to get the ball rolling. TPWD has changed the regulations recently on Speckled Trout do to last years freeze so they are capable of changing things rather quickly.
    One thing that also needs to be addressed is the use of bait. As I’m sure the warden will agree that is an area of confusion. So we can’t just go C&R only it needs to be the standard “Artificial only” barbless hooks would be nice as well.
    How many members are in GRTU? That should be a good start to a petition.

    March 19, 2022 at 8:58 am #15134

    As much as I do not want to add fuel to the fire I feel I have to comment, or ask. I can only imagine the conundrum the board is in and what a survey will add to that, but is this survey going to all GRTU members? If it only goes to LAP it is going to be very one sided and will not be fair representation.

    March 8, 2022 at 4:27 pm #15090

    Next time I’m going to check first before making a batch of popcorn! Munch munch, munch munch

    March 5, 2022 at 4:32 pm #15071

    Jimbo, I’ve said it before and I must say it again. I can’t wait for all your ramblings to be finally bound into a book. In the meantime please keep ‘em coming here!

    February 1, 2022 at 8:28 am #14898

    Dan I’m still not allowed to lift anything but will be happy to help out in whatever way I can.
    To make up for my lameness my wife Lois wants to come and do what I can’t. ?

    January 14, 2022 at 11:11 am #14786

    Thanks Jimbo, as usual you are a wealth of knowledge.

    The thing is this is not just a LAP problem. Our LAP sites are not our own sites, especially in these low flows. I heard one guy at CVC talking to another guy, apparently not his partner, about “I heard you can pay a lot of money to fish these place but I just park and walk”.  Or I talked to another guy the other day and he said his neighbor got a little raft so he can fish wherever he wants. So in reality we have become our own worst enemy. We are stocking big trout. We are advertising those big trout, I am getting so tired of GRTU and NBFF advertisements showing large beautiful, gripped rainbows, telling everyone to come and catch one of these beauties! And so they come. (Sorry Dan and Chris and all the guides) And we, the ones paying for it bitch. Quit the ads, promote joining TU FFI, promote proper catch and release and quit putting in large trout. At least until the frenzy dies, along with Covid.

    And on the Guide front, most fisheries that I have been around have a limit on guides in different sections of the river. From what I have heard the Guad does not. Plus I have heard that basically all you really need to be a guide is a fishing license and a boat. That too is a lot of our problem and something that should be addressed. Dan, all the Chris’s, I would think all you “legitimate “ guides would want to lobby for restrictions as well. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    January 11, 2022 at 1:32 pm #14749

    Thanks for the update Jimbo! And I’m glad to here you are up and about AND fishing. Although I am not at all surprised. Be careful and I look forward to seeing you soon.

    January 5, 2022 at 9:12 am #14718

    Yep! That’s the guy, except my friend thought his name was Scott Padgett so thanks for the clarification Scott. ?

    he said he was previously in Llano but grew up hear. 10 years as a game warden, after a stint in the Marines!
    I think we got a good one!

    January 4, 2022 at 4:19 pm #14714

    I had an interesting talk wit a friend of mine today. He was talking with our new game warden who kayaks and patrols the river. He said that he is writing 10 tickets a day (could write more) and is writing a lot of warnings. But the interesting part is that he said the majority of the tickets are to FLY FISHERMEN! So just because you see someone with a fly rod in their hand don’t assume the are OK. Fly Fishing being “cool” doesn’t mean the people are.

    January 1, 2022 at 5:43 pm #14698

    Thanks Dan, I know it had to be hard on you. But all you can do is try and give it your best. All of which are much appreciated.

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