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CVC: the last time I tried about 3 weeks ago 2020 still worked. Note all seasonal leases will be closing Tuesday March 31.
Be careful, practice social distancing, and remember to use the best catch and release tactics. Check the water temps, 70 or above move upstream or quit for the day, bend those barbs down, use a net with a rubber bag, always wet your hands before touching the fish, minimize the time the fish is out of water (try to have the fish out of water no more than 5 seconds), be careful, now is no time to have to visit an emergency room because of a accident.
Yes,… the heavy rains have missed the upper basin. They have had rain, but really just enough to sustain the flows in the upper basin. Many years if we saw 80-100cfs in the fall by now we would be in the dreaded 55-60cfs. Last time I looked we still had 97.5cfs. Remember the heavy springtime rains historically remain possible till the first week of June. So we still have over 2 months to get the rain we need to raise the lake to pool. It is getting less and less likely with each storm that misses the upper basin. Also the trigger date for the flow agreement is May 15th, so it is only important for the lake to be at pool on or after that date.
Tom tom tom tom…..
Real Good Chance for significant rains over the upper Guadalupe till Saturday. The aquifier has been holding up pretty good, but we need a BIG Rain over the upper watershed to get the lake headed up towards pool again. Like I said this is one of the best chances for many inches of rain over the upper Guadalupe since last spring. Let’s pray the weatherman in right on target this time……
Tom tom tom tom…..
Tom tom tom tom…..
Tom tom tom tom…..
Come on 909.01’msl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rhino, next time you are there and John is in the yard, why don’t you go over and introduce yourself to him. If he starts feeding the fish, go over and just watch and strike up a conversation then. You will see some really nice fish you wouldn’t have suspected were even in the pool. Maybe you’ll even see the Browns that live there and are so elusive. Remember we are primarily a conservation organization that supports this special Trout Fishery. On the other hand there are lots of other sites you can fish too. Why don’t you try exploring the river, you just might find another spot you like even better.
First of all it is legal to feed the fish. We have observed and found that feeding the Trout does in fact help with their overall health and ability to survive marginal conditions. John has been feeding the fish in the river in front of his property for at least 5 years or more, this is not something new for him. We found that the trout did much better getting through the summer to the following season in the river next to his property and downstream. So GRTU started our own program this past summer feeding the Trout several times a week throughout the tuber season at several upstream LAP sites. And guess what, we had good holdover and fatter fish showing up at these sites this past fall. It might have also helped the wild fish get to a catchable size in those areas. So if you are there and he starts feeding the fish, just move upstream. That’s the easiest thing to do. There will be fish up in those runs. Or move downstream to the River Rose area and you will find fish which are feeding normally.
Poor Mike, he doesn’t realize how good he really is……
It is true that the first time last season we found those rising fish, it was Mike that tied on a dry first. We’d been catching fish all day nymph fishing in the higher flows of last season. I was rebuilding a leader on the bank and Mike was over there hollering about a Trout taking his indicator and other fish that continued to rise around him. I thought, they probably won’t take a Dry, but Mike will put some over their heads. I wanted to see how high a number I could run up that day on nymphs. It was a Big Number already, so I keep on fishing my nymphs and even caught some while they were rising. Anyway, after he actually hooked his 3rd fish, I started looking for any dryfly in my vest. I was not carrying a single dryfly box, but I knew I had a few misplaced drys in nymph boxes from summers past. I did find a Para Wulff, cut off the nymphs and fluoro, and started to rebuild a mono leader. But before I could finish, they quit rising that evening. But I’d seen enough to know I needed to carry a good selection of drys the next time I fished through that water.
I’m probably better at telling the story than actually getting every catchable fish in front of me in the net.
So thanks, the first book will be coming sooner than later. If it’s a success I might even get to fish more than I do now. So if everything works out, there just might be more of my fishin’ stories to read…..
Come 0n guys John is a conservationist and nice guy. He owns several business’ unless he’s sold them lately. He usually feeds the fish in the early morning and late in the afternoon. If he starts feeding them and you still want to fish, just move upstream, or way downstream below the island and everything will be fine.
Really the whole point of this post is about enjoying fishing no matter how well or which methods you utilize…. while you fish. I am a pretty good fisherman, but I am not the Best…. and I know it. I know plenty of anglers better than I am and I am comfortable with that. As in many things only one person is the best, and even they are eventually eclipsed by someone better. I have a bunch of friends who really get upset when they are outfished by myself when we fish together, but they shouldn’t be. Everybody has certain skills they can master and ones that never reach that exceptional point. Heck, Flip Pallot will readily admit he is only a average caster, but he does pretty well with that ability, and really knows how and where to fish so he ends up catching a lot most of the time. When he was here at TroutFest he talked about the time when Lefty Kreh came to a club meeting and demonstrated how he could shoot 60′ of flyline with just his hands (No rod at all). There wasn’t another person in the room that could do that. Now he did learn a few things from Lefty and got better, but he never approached Lefty’s skills casting a rod. You can drive yourself plum crazy trying to reach a goal that you are just not going to ever reach no matter how much you practice.
So what is important is to develop your skills as much as you can, but don’t get bent out of shape because someone you run into can smoke those skills. Be comfortable in your own skin. Know where your limitations live and enjoy them as far as they will take you. You’ll be much more satisfied with your results when you start excepting who you are and what you can do.
Thanks Alex ! By the way, you are one of the finest flyfishermen I have seen on the river !!! And that’s the truth !
I did a little more editing this morning so it flows better.
I am ready to get back out there this week and see what the river and our fish want to do this time around…..
I too enjoy catching Trout on nymphs, otherwise I would be absolutely miserable fishing the Guadalupe. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not putting down nymphing by any means. But…. I actually consider catching Trout on Drys on the Guadalupe more challenging than nymph fishing or using some kind of streamer. Fishing subsurface is generally more effective and day in and day out, and they will put fish in the net. But I am constantly challenging myself to do something that is more difficult. Especially trying to get a specific fish to take my fly and then multiply that by trying it to take something off the top on the Guadalupe, well it’s a game of smaller numbers generally speaking. But I too mostly fish subsurface on the Guadalupe so I can reliably catch more than just a hand full in a day.
Nope, the rod I broke was a Sage 4100 ONE I built years ago with Dennis Freeman of Rodmakers. So the bad news was that what ever you break, that is what they replace. This being I bought a rod as a blank to build out, all Sage really guarantees to replace is the tip section with just another blank, with no tiptop or guides. Since Dennis retired I don’t have access to the tools needed to rap the guides, then use flexcoat on the windings, and putting it on a rotisserie for the hours it takes for the flexcoat to dry. The cool thing is I explained this to the Sage rep and he offered to send me a new tip complete built out and ready to use for a little bit more, which I gladly agreed to. So it should be back in my hands in about 10 days ready to fish again.