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We are not getting Browns this year. The hatchery that we use to provide the Browns spawns the fish out before delivery. Browns are fall spawners and we get them after they have completed that task. This year the fish which are understandably combative during the process developed a fungus inflection because of that fighting. The fungus spread through the population and the hatchery could not clear up the infection in time for delivery anytime soon. TPWD will not allow the introduction of any fish that have an ongoing disease or infection at the time of delivery. We don’t have another readily available alternative source of Brown Trout so we asked Crystal Lake Fisheries, the hatchery we get the Rainbows from, if they could provide another load of Rainbows in the sizes we utilize. They were able to accommodate that order and we will make an announcement when they are coming. We will be stocking Brown Trout again next year short of some unforeseeable future problem like we did this year. The good news is we will be receiving another 4000lbs of Rainbows. This will be the 2,000lbs more of Trout than we have ever stocked in a single season (16,000lbs of Rainbows versus the previous high of 12,000lbs of Rainbows and 2,000lbs of Browns).
Woo Hooo !
Now there are still holdover Browns swimming around in the river. There are harder to catch even if the populations were equal and they are not. So any Brown Trout you catch is an accomplishment in itself. I have heard of Browns being caught this season from the Tubers Loop all the way down to Bezdeks. It is very surprising to me that Browns are all the way down at Bezdeks right now. Did they survive the summer down there? Or did they migrate down there after the river cooled off? It is an interesting question that will not be answered with any certainty this year.
Nope,… The LAP program sold out in 6 days this season. You could buy some day passes and take him that way. Or what you can do is go through a commercial access, have your father pay for that access, and fish those areas. Places where GRTU stocked and you can pay for access; Whitewater, Rio, Lazy L&L, Micheal’s, Action Angler, Bezdek’s. You could also do something else. You could hire a guide and take him on a float. There are many advantages for this, the guides will have been on the river and know what flys to use and where the fish are holding. You will cover a bunch of water, more than you could possibly wade during the day, and even fish some deep water spots that would be impossible to fish effectively wade fishing. They can help you with your techniques and that may be the best benefit of all.
Releases were bumped to 90cfs for some reason yesterday. They are coming back down again today. What are GBRA’s motivations I wonder? Anyway more rain fell overnight in the Kerrville area. Flows came up a little bit, but not significantly. WE need more rain….
Tom tom tom tom….
Tom tom tom tom….
Tom tom tom tom….
If you are talking about a LAP member purchasing a LAP Day Pass to take an individual, you are allowed to take just one person at a time. Now if you can find a friend who is also an LAP member then he can purchase a Day Pass and take another one of your children with him under his sponsorship. If you have more children you need one extra LAP member for each one. You will see that when you purchase a Day Pass there is one space for the LAP member to sign and one for the individual to sign which you wish to take fishing. If this rule was not in place one LAP member could take an unlimited number of non-LAP members with them on an given day. You would not want an individual to show up with a school bus and unload 60 non-LAP members at Pott’s would you? Mr. Pott’s certainly would not like it! It is designed to protect the program and the Lease Owners.
Yes rain is falling in the right places with this rain event. I juts looked at the USGS gauges and the upper river is rising. North Fork 31.8cfs, Johnson Creek 43.7cfs, Kerrville 138cfs, Center Point 245cfs, Comfort 158cfs. If this trend continues we may actually see GBRA bump the releases…..
Tom tom tom tom….
Tom tom tom tom….
Tom tom tom tom….
Bump the Flows, Bump the Releases…..
They shut off the flows completely. The upper river will show the effects almost right away. The lower river will slow down and slowly drop (and also slowly rise back to normal levels when flows resume). Usually the fish get lockjaw while the river drops with no current. Even today with the clouds helping it’s going to be slow. It’s probably best for yourself and the fish to leave them alone until they start releasing the flows again. Another thing is that some years the inspections are not completed in a single day, so watch for following announcements that flows will again be turned off for another day. I was going today but canceled those plans because of the zero flows. Tomorrow looks good too, even with some severe weather forecast, so I’ll be watching for another possible announcement tonight before I decide to fish again.