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The Trout should be available at every LAP site except maybe RRC. We stocked every site directly (and some in between) except Lower Rio, which is right next to Bezdek’s and RRC which I have never seen stocked. RRC will have fish move downstream into that area as the season progresses. Watch your water temps in the lower sites on days like today! If it gets close to 70 move upstream into cooler waters.
Turns out my crew actually had the load with the bigger fish. I didn’t witness everything going in the water as I was playing with the walkie talkies on the road a lot but I did see some fish to about 22″ and 5lbs. I bet you the river is covered up today! I going to Austin to see some old friends and watch the Cowboys beat the Patriots. I should get down to the river this coming week. Hope to see some old friends there too! Good Luck everyone and thanks for all the help!
I received a short text from Dan today. They were able to shock up 8 of these small wild Rainbows. Out of those 8 they were able to get 5 in the net. Of those he kept 3 for further analysis. This is very good news for the future of the fishery. It demonstrates that under the right conditions, higher sustained flows and cold water, we can have significant reproduction resulting in fish reaching a catchable size. I can’t guarantee that this will lead to further agreements with GBRA, but it certainly adds another benefit to consider when talking about current flow regimes. Thanks again for everyone’s help. Now let’s get the stocking done this Saturday and have some fun with our fishery.
It’s going to be fun. I am hopeful we will be able to pull this off. It’s been unusually cool lately and the forecast right now is favorable to stock our lower leases. When Dan first proposed this I told him he was rolling the dice as it’s usually the first week of December before waters are cool enough to stock downstream in low flow years. He went ahead and set it up with Marvin knowing we might have to back off the second load if need be. Right now it looks like Dan is a bit of a psychic calling this strategy.
We are going to need at least 60-80 people to pull this off, so everyone should consider coming down and helping out. If we can get this many volunteers things will go quickly and everyone will be done by 1pm. I’ll see ya’ll there !
Yeap, I’ve been looking for Alex’s rod since he lost it. I have waded and poked around all the deep water from JDL to Kanz. I have found a half dozen rods lost by anglers over the years. Most of the time when notified by posts I was able to find them right away. But not this time.
I dropped a waterproof walkie talkie in the water while fishing with Mike at Kanz last spring. I was standing right next to the bank. I was netting a rather large Trout at the time and expected to look down and see it right there as they do have some weight. I looked for over a half hour scouring the bank and about 100 yards downstream. I could not find it. Each time I have returned to the area I have looked around for it. I even looked yesterday in these 70cfs flows. I thought I might find it now. I looked all the way down to the Patio Pool and didn’t see it anywhere. I did pick up: several lighters, a snorkel, some barbed wire, several sunscreen bottles, hand sanitizer, and a diving mask, but no walkie talkie or rods were recovered. 500cfs can really move things around !!!