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  • November 7, 2019 at 1:04 pm #6417

    One thing about where these Trout can be found this time of year. While during the summer very few fish will survive in water temperatures that reach the mid 70’s. When as the river begins to cool down in the fall some of these fish will spread out downstream looking for good habitat and a little elbow room. Especially in these current low flows we are seeing right now (~70cfs) the holding water is limited compared to those in higher flows, let’s say in 150cfs or greater. The higher the flows the more habitat that opens up that can sustain our Trout and the further it pushes it downstream. So as the river cools some of these Trout will travel downstream and fill in spots they could not live in during the summer because of the warmer water. It is very important that anglers monitor the water temps before they fish for Trout in any given area. Just because they weren’t there in August doesn’t mean they are not there now. I fished on the river yesterday. I fished for Trout at River Rose down to Kanz and there are definitely many educated Trout living there. I also went and checked water temps downstream in the lower leases. I was surprised to see water temps out in the current at 70 even at Gardo’s(CVC) and Bezdek’s. I thought something might be wrong with my thermometer, but under the cloud cover of the afternoon things stayed remarkably cool downriver.


    November 7, 2019 at 12:46 pm #6414

    Everybody needs to be patient. If you have been a member of the LAP for any time at all, you know the approximate date the first stocking will fall. The actual date may vary from year to year but it falls into a certain time in relation to other holidays. It only changes if river temperatures or flows make that stocking impractical or dangerous. And we purposely don’t talk about the upcoming stocking beforehand to help those Trout with time needed acclimate before anglers start fishing for them. When you get right down to it, the Trout population in the Guadalupe is a finite resource, that can be greatly reduced in numbers if not given time to recover from their journey adjust to their new surroundings. One of the things the hatchery does before loading them in the hatchery truck, they stop feeding them for about 6-7 days. This is done so while on their trip, the waste produced by the fish in minimal, and does not pollute the water in the truck and results in lower mortality. They are also stressed in the confined quarters of the truck’s tanks and that takes a toll on them. Giving them at least 24 hours to relax and adjust to the river greatly reduced delayed mortality once we start fishing for them. Have faith that we know what we are doing and there is a purpose behind the details.


    November 5, 2019 at 8:46 pm #6362

    I got to talk to Shirley Sanders this evening. We talked about Al and our fishing trips. I also told her that after reading the obituary that we would like to make a donation to one of the charities Doc supported. In tribute to Doc Al Sanders, GRTU will donate $500 to a charity that was close to him, the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. Hopefully this will help to continue the research and services that will lead to future therapies to help in combating scoliosis.


    November 5, 2019 at 4:36 pm #6357

    I haven’t been on the river much, so I don’t know. Brown Trout are fall spawners, but if we are going to see any Brown trout on redds, I would expect to see them sometime from now till January. The keys to initiate the Brown Trout spawn are falling water temps and shorter daylight hours. The shortest day of the year in the winter solstice is December 21. Keep the watch out for new redds and avoid stepping in them.

    Another note of interest, we had a very good Rainbow spawn this past year. Cold, wet, and high flows through last winter and spring combined for an unusually good spawn that has given us many new wild Rainbows in the river ! Handle them with extreme care as they are the best candidates for continued Rainbow Trout spawning success in our river’s future.


    November 5, 2019 at 4:26 pm #6355


    We are in another drought here in Texas. The upper Guadalupe Basin has missed out in the much needed precipitation to keep the upper river flowing. Those flows coming into Canyon Lake pretty much determine what the releases will be from the dam. We have another shot at some rain over the upper Guadalupe Basin this week. So I have pulled out the drums again hoping to pound some rain out of those clouds !…

    Tom tom tom tom…..

    Tom tom tom tom…..

    Tom tom tom tom…..



    November 3, 2019 at 11:37 pm #6309

    Also of special note, at the River Rose access,…

    They want us to cross 306 to the other side. Their side is rocky, steep, and slippery when wet. So park in the back, gear up, and then walk back towards the intersection of 306 and 2673. Look both ways and take your time crossing 306. On the far side there is a concrete culvert ending in some steps down to the limestone slab next to the river. They don’t want anyone hurt going down to the river on their side.



    November 1, 2019 at 11:37 am #6242

    Everything is back up and updated for this season on our LAP Sticky. If you have any questions contact me, Dan Cone, or Dustin Scott.


    November 1, 2019 at 12:44 am #6221

    Dustin Scott, V P of Membership


    October 31, 2019 at 10:54 pm #6217

    To park here using the Lease Access Program all you need to do is hang your parking tag from the rear view mirror so that it can be easily seen by anybody. The Lazy L&L management will check the area from time to time and they will tow anyone not authorized to park there. They will also be checking our new Lower Lease down below River Bluff for the same parking tag.


    October 31, 2019 at 10:50 pm #6215

    You need to use the car you registered when signing up for the LAP. If you have a second vehicle you use and/or your license plate number changes for any reason during the season, please email the new number, along with your name and LAP Number to Robilyn Pettit at PettitR@GRTU.ORG

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by rob1103.
    October 31, 2019 at 10:45 pm #6213

    Whitewater Amphitheater and Whitewater Camping are no longer part of our Lease Access Program. TPWD no longer leases public access from Whitewater Amphitheater like they did in the past. You’ll be able to park at Whitewater Amphitheater only if you can pay for that access at the office. The office is not always open during the winter months. If it is open you can pay to park and access the river. Don’t try to park there if you don’t pay for access because your vehicle can be towed.


    October 28, 2019 at 7:59 pm #6120

    It depends on the water depth, current speed, the weight of the fly, and how fast you retrieve it. Until you get to water depths more than about 4 feet with these flows you probably don’t need a sink tip or sinking line unless you are striping it really fast. There are some places like between Little Ponderosa and Lazy L&L that the water is so deep to fish most of it you’ll probably want a full sinking line. It’s all situational.


    October 28, 2019 at 7:54 pm #6119

    Brian C. Yes you can go to a commercial outfitter and pay for the additional person with you and Still Be legal with the LAP rules.

    Fred. Again a LAP member may take only one person (Non-LAP member) at a time with him using the Guest Pass. As I suggested earlier the only way you can take more than that is to get other LAP members to go with you so you still meet the: One Lap member taking one non LAP member with a guest pass. Or you could go to one of the commercial outfitters and pay for each additional child you want to take along.


    October 27, 2019 at 12:20 am #6068

    Yeap, Dan’s at the helm now, and has the final say on when we will stock. I am still on the BOD and the Fishery Committee. And yes there will be an e-mail blast sent out to notify all the LAP members about a week before the stocking will occur so you can make a plan to attend. Stocking days are really pretty special! There’s the excitement of getting back together with all you fellow anglers, time to catch up, 100’s and 100’s of Trout going into the Guadalupe at our access points, kids young and old bouncing around to and from the river, and all these healthy Trout swimming off into their new homes. With the holdover and all these additional Trout it should be a terrific season. One thing I’ll be doing some beforehand is fishing for Stripers because there certainly are some big ones in the river again. Barking Dog Pool down to S Turn Rapids (also Maricopa, Little Ponderosa, Lazy L&L, Rocky Beach) has some giants that need to be removed. So get up in the dark and be ready at first light. Head to deep water with your 8wts, heavy tippet, (I would suggest at least 15lb) and some big streamers (Lunch Money, Dirty Hippie, Left’s Deceiver, etc.). Let’s see how many we can get before our first stocking!


    October 27, 2019 at 12:03 am #6066

    Don’t count your eggs as chickens just yet. It only takes 3 or 4 days of 90+ weather with these low flows to really take a toll on the fishery. It’s usually about the first week of December that the possibility goes away historically. That being said the upper basin caught about 1″ of rain, but nothing like the 3-7″ we had here in San Antonio. But the heavy rains did hit the lake itself and it came up almost 1/2 foot. Not bad at all. Still we need a lot of Rain…. So…..

    Tom tom tom tom…

    Tom tom tom tom…

    Tom tom tom tom…

    Let it rain buckets !


Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 551 total)