Forum Replies Created
One other thing. I remember that when I applied for access to all of Flyfishing Addicts Forums, I had to wait several days to get approval. Consider that their Location Forums are much like our Lease Access Forum and restricted so as their more sensitive information that their members talk about will not be available to just anybody. Did any of you ever hear back from their moderators about being accepted or denied?
I’ve never experienced anything like what has happened to you. Several times I have randomly been knocked off our site, but all I had to do was click on forum and then when my data appeared in the right corner I would click on log-in and everything opened up again.
The story is in “Rocky Mountain” section of “Locations/Reports”. I have other posts in “Other Destinations” and “Southwest”. There are about 8 years worth of stories there as they do not purge their site of older stories. Do you even see “Locations/Reports” without logging on? I’ve been logged on to both forums so long I don’t remember what it is like before I became a member.
River One: Provo River
River Two: Logan River
River Three: Green River
River Four: Strawberry River
River Five: West Fork Duchesne
I’m just guessing of course….. But it doesn’t hurt to guess !
Solid Browns by the way !
This is the way I roll……
I took 19 rods along with a few other things……
I fished 29 days in 5 weeks, but the longest continuous period fishing was just 10 days.
I’m ready to go again……
At least they are on-line, I wish the complier was showing all that info on the graph.
I’m still in the Rockies, Southern Colorado was cool, rainy, and most the rivers were running high. Dryfly fishing was tough ! Here in Wyoming things are at a more normal level and fishing has been good except for the numbers of anglers fishing. It seems many who would be in Colorado came here instead.
Ron McNamara responded and he is working on it. Bad news is many of the temp monitors are suspect. He is working to try to get the working ones on-line, but he really wants to replace and get the whole system up and running which probably won’t be till late summer. He also wants to add two dissolved oxygen sensors to the array which is great. So keep your personal thermometers handy and use them often. I fished last week and had to stop about 4:30 when the water temps around Pott’s hit 70. This is common this time of year even with the 380cfs flows. We will also probably see the flows start dropping which means the cold water won’t make it that far downstream. I think all the rain we’ve been having is resulting in mixing with the colder deep water and raising the temps coming from the dam. The real test will be next October when we can see how many Trout made it through the summer to holdover to the following season.
That pictures sure looks like a Rainbow, Although they are somewhat difficult to differentiate the two at that age. That has two characteristics that point to both directions.
It has a faint pink strip down the lateral line pointing to a Rainbow, but it also has some large black spots (not the par marks) towards the tail that would say Brown Trout. Still I am leaning towards Rainbow.
Whatever,… It is good to see some young of the year swimming around in the river !!!!!
I asked the board to see to it and they said they would…. Do I hear the sound of crickets?
Until then use your thermometers and watch water temps. I think with these flows right now, anything upstream on Lazy L&L and your good to go, but flows will drop and things will heat up as we move through the heart of summer. Be a good sportsman and quit when you see temps approach 70. This will help get more Trout through to the coming fall and an even better next season. I don’t know how many remember 2009 and 2010, but carryover those years resulted in a Big Fish population we have not seen since. So maybe 2019-20 will be another season like those !