I suspect GBRA is also taking into account a couple of things. One, inflows into the lake are most definitely higher than what we see on the Spring Branch gauge for the Guadalupe. There is a lot of water in the system and every little creek is flowing. I bet there is an extra 100cfs entering the lake right now from creeks and springs. Two, because there is so much water in the system, even relatively small rain events have been pushing up inflow quite a bit. There’s no where else for the water to go…the ground is saturated, aquifers are full, etc. My best guess is that 700 exceeds the current inflow but that they want to get the pool around 909 so they have some wiggle room to bing the pool up after the next round of rain (which looks to be coming this Friday through Sunday).
Regardless, it’s been a slow season so far. Have spent more time watching the flows than fishing.