You will be missed! I’d wish you luck but we know you don’t need it. I’ll wish you safe travels and blessings on the River and everywhere else in between.
Peace my friend,
It is my opinion, based on observations, that cameras are responsible for a decent amount of trout mortality.
Close but the equation was size 26 comparadun Salmonfly dries on 20 feet 7x nylon tippet. 😀
I just floated the south fork at 14000 and it’s a massive amount of water!
I did not guide out but Willowfly Fly shop at 3 Rivers Resort in Almont gave me spot on advice 2 years ago on location / patterns.
Not at all Todd. It’s not white hot but it’s decent. If you get out early and can master the Trico spinnerfall, which I’m still working on, you should have a good morning.