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  • April 28, 2022 at 6:13 pm #15277

    I will also volunteer to help pickup the trash. Like Jimbo I also have a can picker. Hospital gave it to me along with a walker when I had my hip replaced. No longer need the walker. My wife would also like to come.

    April 3, 2022 at 10:17 am #15208

    I believe CVC (Gordos) is also on the seasonal lease list.

    March 7, 2022 at 12:07 pm #15084

    Based on the comment from Alex I placed the thermometer in a glass full of water and ice cubes and watched how long it would respond to the temp change. It took 4 or 5 minutes for the reading to go from 70 deg to the 33 deg in the glass. I might not have held it in the river long enough to get the the correct reading. The water still did feel warm when I went into it. Will take better readings at Maricopa later this week.

    March 7, 2022 at 7:18 am #15078

    Just about anything is possible, but like I said the water felt warm when I first entered. That was why I decided to check the temperature. My thermometer is an old mercury bulb industrial type and is still perfectly sealed. No cracks in the glass. I am going to try and fish Maricopa later this week. I’ll see what it does up there.

    February 1, 2022 at 8:17 pm #14902

    I will be there!
    I will again be available for traffic control.

    January 29, 2022 at 1:17 pm #14866

    I have fished the White River twice now with fairly good results. I fished just below the Beaver Dam. There is a parking lot very close to the dam that also now has restrooms.
    I fished the far bank next to the rocks. Caught rainbows and browns.
    Have to listen for the siren as within 5to10 minutes the title wave from the dam will raise the water level 3 to 4 ft. Quickly. Seem in Arkansas they only have a water release once a day and then it returns to its previous level.
    We stayed at a place called Spider Creek Lodge which is just down the road from the Beaver Dam.

    January 20, 2022 at 11:18 am #14812

    I do not go on face book or those type of sites, but I think I have a quick cure to help with that. We should advertise that TU will no longer stock large trout due to the large number of fish being poached. We should then start stocking the size we got from the hatchery for the last stocking. This would put a lot more fish in the river and hopefully discourage a lot of these interlopers coming to our leases to take fish home. In addition if we do not put fish over 18” in the river nobody could legally take fish out of our leases. This would not cost us any money and possibly help the poaching and overfishing problem.


    January 13, 2022 at 8:26 am #14771

    Does anybody know if we have tried giving them an order for the 14 to 18” rainbows a year ahead of time? I would be in hopes that a year ahead would be enough to raise the size we would want.                                  Anybody  have any 1st hand information on this possibility.

    January 12, 2022 at 8:50 pm #14768

    I have always felt that putting large rainbows in the river is counterproductive. My reasons are as follows.

    1) when we put large fish in the river
    we get less fish for that stocking.

    2) Every time we loose a 24” fish that could weigh maybe 3 lbs that is about $25.00. A lot of money for 1 fish.

    3) if we stock only say 14” to 18” fish nobody could legally take any of our fish home. This would be better for TU any way you look at it.

    4) With more fish in the river you stand a better chance of catching a trout and having a fun day.

    This is just my opinion for what ever it’s worth.

    December 26, 2021 at 1:48 pm #14652

    I do not agree with raising prices. There are a lot of long time members living on a fixed income that increasing prices could make it impossible to even join the lease access program.
    If this is a problem that we all agree on then let’s bring it up at the February meeting and get a good GRTU club solution to benefit everyone.

    December 21, 2021 at 10:23 am #14618

    I know our mission is to create a trout fishery in the Guadalupe River. Stocking fish in an area where non-TU  people are just taking these fish home is not going to accomplish this goal. I personally have a problem with letting these people live off of our money. These fish cost a lot. I agree with not stocking this area in the future. I think we need to make our feelings known at the next stocking.

    December 21, 2021 at 7:43 am #14617

    I will be there !!!

    Will be willing to do traffic control again if needed.

    November 25, 2021 at 4:49 pm #14413

    I will be there!!!

    Robert Menzel

    November 13, 2021 at 3:53 pm #14260

    I will be there! I will also be available for traffic control like I did in years past.

    November 10, 2021 at 8:29 am #14203

    Yesterday I fished CVC. Water from one of the 4 plus inch rains sent a flood through the CVC parking lot that washed most of the new gravel that they put on the parking lot onto the property next door and into the river . River bottom looks great, but the parking lot is a mess. The property owner next door told me the water went through there about 10 feet high.                                                            The one nice thing I saw there yesterday is the water was the clearest I have ever seen in in my 25 years fishing at CVC.


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