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  • July 17, 2021 at 7:32 am #12381

    Yes Alex,  apparently no one cares.

    April 16, 2021 at 7:55 am #12316

    Ditto, nice looking fly.


    April 1, 2021 at 10:56 pm #12296

    Hey not a problem just wasn’t sure if you were aware that seasonal leases had  closed.


    April 1, 2021 at 8:32 pm #12293

    Not sure if you are aware,  but that lease closed March 31st  and unless you went to L&L and paid to fish there you were trespassing .   Pls review all the seasonal sites and note that they are now all closed.


    March 7, 2021 at 7:20 am #12233

    Mushroom Rock.  Upstream of Pott’s and downstream of s-turn is only place I can think of that meets this criteria.


    January 30, 2021 at 7:47 am #12189

    Thanks Dan.  Your diligence is appreciated.


    January 26, 2021 at 7:31 am #12173


    No, no fish there.  As a matter of fact no fish anywhere at this site.  🙂

    The shackle/shank of the lock was visibly bent last time I was there.  Looked like it had been forced open and took me a few minutes to get it to lock again.


    January 13, 2021 at 8:30 am #12132


    Just think, this could be the last year you will have to put up with the early mornings, nasty weather and stream side crowds since you will be retiring this year – if that is still the plan.  If so, here are a few things you will soon realize.  You will be able to pick which days you fish, what weather you will fish in and at what time of day you wish to fish.  With the colder weather I stopped arriving at dawn and now have a nice breakfast and wait for the temps to rise before heading out to the river.  It kind of reminds me of fly fishing back east when used to wait until 9 or 10AM before heading out to fish the early season daily mayfly hatch – hendrickson, march browns et al.  Enjoy my friend and SYOTR.

    Tight lines,


    January 11, 2021 at 1:36 pm #12121


    I assume you know this because you are out fishing?


    December 19, 2020 at 7:42 am #12014


    Glad you had a chance to get out and fish.  As far as the number of fishermen, I agree that with the low water it is hard to find any privacy and will probably remain that way until we get some significant rains.   Problem is that when it does rain, we will probably get too much.  The other thing with the low water is that the fish, like the anglers, cannot spread out either.  I have hit a few spots that always hold fish and found them totally barren.  Only thing we can do is hope that the good Lord provides us with the resources we need.


    December 19, 2020 at 7:31 am #12012

    Apparently, the purpose of this post has eluded the masses.  I was just being a bit nostalgic and comparing the times spent in my youth trying to catch uninterested trout  in a fish tank at the boat show with a zebco and pork rind to the pods of fish in the river that have reacted the same way – uninterested.  As far as catching fish at Pott’s,  I did very well, but found it interesting that so many fish had no interest in what I was offering.

    Tight lines,


    November 24, 2020 at 9:15 pm #11805

    Army Corps of Engineers (ACE).  Since they have ultimate control of the dam any modification to the river has to be approved by them.

    Yes, we were working with TPWD to consider adding a wing dam or some lunker sites around the Pott’s area.  We had a good idea where to put these and even did some analysis with, as I remember, a TU representative, but cannot be sure about that.  The initial feed back we received was that getting approval from ACE to install structures in the river would be very difficult since these structures move during high water and could cause problems and may create hazards for tubers, kayaks, and just general use of the river.

    Concerning the spillway creek stabilization to stop the flow of silt, it was suggested that the best way to fix this problem was to grade both banks for some distance of between 100-500 yards from the entrance to the river and then cover with rip rap or plant grass.  Both of which would cost money and again would need to be approved by ACE.  In addition, would likely need to plant some willows at the river interface and may need some form of weir here too in order to help trap the silt which would create a long term expense to keep cleaned out.

    So while making changes to the river to improve the fishery is a high priority for GRTU,  you can see we are up against a government entity that really is not that concerned with the fishery IMHO.  So what to do?  Good question.  I suspect that we, GRTU, as an organization should work on the problems we can actually address i.e. trash in the river, stop the poaching of the trout, and generally be a good neighbor to the land owners so we can keep our leases.  Is it perfect? no, but is probably the best we can do right now.



    November 24, 2020 at 4:10 pm #11800

    Good ideas, but not realistic since anything we try to put in the river has to be approved by ACE.  We tried to get a plan to add some in stream structures a few years ago , but with the tubers et al was an uphill battle that did not have much support from the state .


    November 16, 2020 at 7:06 am #11715

    Trick I learned long ago is to have the barb bent by the person in the fly shop before/as you buy the flies.  This way if the point breaks off you just pick out another fly  🙂  Besides, they have been doing it for many years and I really have never seen anyone at a shop break the point off but I myself have on numerous occasions.


    November 12, 2020 at 6:44 am #11684

    Ok, so not sure why did not get the email but will look into it.  So where did we stock the browns?


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