Alex Argyros
Forum Replies Created
October 1, 2021 at 1:13 pm #12906
I never got the email, but other members did: registration has been postponed until next Tuesday at noon.
September 28, 2021 at 6:46 am #12831Excellent suggestions, JC. In addition to Modern Nymphing, you might want to look a series of videos by George Daniel (posted on
I would love to join the party. And, being the youngster the I am, I am still quite flexible. The crack of dawn is my favorite time to fish, but I can bend.
September 27, 2021 at 12:12 pm #12824I know what you man about all the fish we catch while Euro nymphing. Sometimes my arm gets tired from hauling them in, so I switch to indicator fishing to give myself a rest.
September 26, 2021 at 8:12 am #12813Ron,
Euro rods are built differently from traditional rods. A typical 3wt. Euro rod has a 3wt. tip but something like a 5 wt. butt. Ditto for the 2 wts. It is rather easy to bring in trout very quickly with these rods, all the while protecting thin tippets.
P.S. Another entry-level choice, and a rod that I own, and fish a lot, is an Orvis Clearwater 10′ 3wt. It was designed for Euro nymphing and does a fine job.
September 25, 2021 at 5:51 pm #12802Jimbo,
I assume that you don’t mean “Czech” nymphing (which is a style all its own), but Euro nymphing. Perhaps the best person to ask about it is JC, who is superb Euro nympher.
He and I both fish T & T Contact rods. Mine is a 1st generation 10′ 8″ 3 wt. His is a T & T 2, 10′ 2wt. When I fish that way, I usually use what Devin Olsen calls a “micro leader.” Essentially, it is about twenty feet long including tippet. The leader itself is just sighter material (3 or 4x). For added visual help, I’ve begun using either colored wax or paint. A rig like this sounds hard to cast, but it’s not really that bad if you use one or two tungsten beadhead flies.
Having said that, I’ve been fishing more and more with a drop shot rig (mostly with, but also without, an indicator). For this application, my “line” is about 15′ of twelve pound Amnesia, then about two feet of 10 lb. green Amnesia, then a tippet ring, and a tippet of about 8 ft. I fish with two unweighted flies, both on dropper tags with my weight about 10″ below my lower fly. I don’t find that I spook fish all that much by doing two things: 1. Casting upstream as much as possible and 2. Keeping the indicator far away from my flies (i.e., at least 6 ft.). If the water is really low and/or clear, a white balloon or Dorsey yarn indicator really helps in achieving a stealthy cast.
With a micro leader you can fish at distance, although the stroke takes a bit of practice. Again, JC is really good at this. With the drop shot method it’s easy to fish far away from the fish. I should add that when fish are finicky, I use very fine tippet with both methods.
In terms of video help, there are lots of excellent youtube videos out there. My favorites are those by Devin Olsen, Howard Croston, George Daniel, and Lance Egan. You might also look at some excellent stuff posted by Old Dominion Trout Bum.
September 25, 2021 at 9:02 am #12787Have you been there recently, Ron? The area is already cleared, and roads and paths are being laid out. What with this, and the development being put in upstream of Rio (in the Halfway Riffle area), the population along the Guadalupe is going to become a lot denser rather quickly.
Enjoy the fishing this year and next, folks. These are the good old days.
September 20, 2021 at 10:22 am #12575Jimbo,
I want to make something clear. My suggestion that veteran anglers be given first dibs is based solely on the mess we experienced during last year’s sign-up period. I’m perfectly willing to play by the rules and register at the crack of dawn on sign-up day. In fact, I did that last year, but I almost didn’t get in because of the snafu. It seems to me that playing by the rules goes two ways. If the technical issues have been resolved, then I’m fine with the way things are. If, however, there is still the danger of a glitchy registration, I think that it would be grossly unfair to be subjected to the whims of a malfunctioning website.
In addition, I agree with Ron about the need for empirical data. There is no reason not to survey existing members on a number of issues, among which are: pre-registration, numbers of leases sold, stocking policy (size of fish, whether we stock browns, etc.), etc. A primary responsibility of the board of any institution is to be aware of the wishes of stakeholders, take such wishes into account when setting policy, and be vigilant in establishing clear lines of communication with the stakeholders.
September 16, 2021 at 8:04 pm #12508Thank you, Jimbo. I would have advocated for a different scenario, but I will gladly accept the decision of the board. The arguments you adduce, although not ones that I agree with, are sound, and they reflect a sincere and reasoned interest in the long-term health of our river and its fishery. If I am lucky enough to get a LAP membership this year, I will do my best to uphold the high standards of river stewardship and comraderie that people such as you have set.
September 3, 2021 at 9:28 am #12440I agree with you about the board’s silence. With the obvious exception of Jimbo, who has remained a staunch advocate of the river and displayed a sincere eagerness to communicate with LAP members, I’m saddened by the board’s seeming uninterest in communicating with the membership.
August 27, 2021 at 1:36 pm #12429Thank you, Jimbo. I’m confident that the board will do the right thing.
August 21, 2021 at 1:40 pm #12420Good advice, Jimbo. I was talking about the upcoming season. It’s nice to have the temperature gauges up and running to have a sense of what the temperatures are at various lease sites.
Do you know when the HOBOlink gauges will be working again?