Alex Argyros

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  • December 15, 2024 at 11:45 am #17088

    Scott is right. And the next time you see him on the river, say “Hi.” He’s easy to recognize; he’s the one without a mustache.


    December 5, 2024 at 4:01 pm #17062

    I was there today and I would like to correct myself. First Island Drop does indeed have the shape of an “S.” It’s a mirror image of an “S,” and its curves are a bit muted, but it is an “S” nonetheless.

    December 3, 2024 at 12:38 pm #17036

    It’s also on your parking badge, but it’s printed in a mirror image. If you hold your badge up to your rearview mirror, you’ll see the code at the bottom.


    December 3, 2024 at 11:13 am #17034

    Chris, If you’re new to the Guad, I highly recommend that you attend a stocking (for example, the one this Saturday). You’ll learn more about our river in half a day than you might in months of going at it alone, plus you’ll be helping GRTU to stock the fish that we all catch.


    December 2, 2024 at 6:32 pm #17028

    Thanks for the report, Kevin.


    November 27, 2024 at 11:47 am #17013

    Sounds like my attempts at courting girls when I was considerably younger.


    November 27, 2024 at 8:04 am #17007

    I’ll be there.


    It turns out I won’t be able to make it. I trust you’ll be able to find some way to compensate for the absence of my Herculean arms.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Alex Argyros.
    November 27, 2024 at 7:31 am #17006

    I always wondered why S-Turn is neither a turn nor does it describe an “S.” I always assumed that the person who named it had had a few too many Convict Hill Stouts. Thanks, Jimbo, for correcting a mistake that I, and many others, have been making for a long time.


    November 26, 2024 at 11:42 am #16992

    I’ll start the ball rolling with the areas from #5 downstream.

    As you enter the river at #5, you are facing a some shallow riffles and runs. At the base of those riffles, opposite a house on the left side of the river, is Barking Dog Pool. There’s a productive riffle leading into the pool usually referred to as Barking Dog Riffle. If wade down the right side of the river you’ll pass some flat water (that can be very productive in higher flows). Eventually (after a five or ten minute wade) the river constricts and you can see the current picking up. This stretch, The Lower Slots, leads down to the house where we stocked. At the base of the Lower Slots there’s a short riffle leading into a deep pool, Mountain Creek Pool. The river divides at the base of Mountain Creek Pool. Both sides can be productive, but there are usually more fish on the left branch, S-Turn. If you wade down either fork, you’ll eventually get to Potts.

    Hope this helps,

    November 26, 2024 at 11:35 am #16991

    If you attended the first stocking, you were very close, certainly within viewing distance, of all the areas you ask about. But, to make things a bit clearer, I will answer your question on the other thread you started.


    November 26, 2024 at 7:19 am #16983

    I know of no such map, but, if you attend a stocking, people will be happy to paint out the named parts of the river.


    November 22, 2024 at 8:19 am #16965

    Although I think that there are good arguments against feeding the trout, the one adduced by the board makes no sense. If we need to feed the fish at any time, the summer for example, to have significant holdovers, then our fishery is not self-sustaining. Winter feedings would have nothing to do with trout survival. The only feedings that might help some, if not, especially during low flow periods, most trout survive are during the summer. Consequently, if such feedings are instrumental to having a year-round fishery, then, by definition, this fishery is not self-sustaining.

    However,if we removed the self-sustaining, part, the board’s argument is good. There is something artificial about a fishery where the fish are fed. It does feel a bit like fishing in a hatchery. So, I would also be against winter feeding, but, as explained above, not for the reasons offered by the board.

    Finally, I’m less concerned about what the general public thinks than what is good for our river’s health. If feedings during any time of the year were shown (i.e., with good, objective data, not anecdotal reports) to be an integral component of our efforts to promote the vigor of our river and its residents, then I would support it without hesitation.


    November 21, 2024 at 8:19 am #16958

    I never met Mr. Potts, but I fished his eponymous lease many times, so it was as if I knew him. From now on, I will cast my line on his waters with a little sadness, because he’s gone, certainly, but also because I never thanked him for letting me use his property to get to the river.


    November 19, 2024 at 8:38 pm #16953

    It’s not that far. It should take you fifteen minutes at most. Wade down on the right side of the river. After a long stretch of nondescript water, you’ll get to some narrower water, (the Lower Slots), where there are fish. At the end of that stretch, you’ll see a big pool (Mountain Creek Pool), that holds a lot of fish. Cross the river just above the big pool. The river divides at the tail of the pool and both sides hold fish. S-Turn is the left branch. You’ll see how it got its name when you get there.


    November 13, 2024 at 6:06 pm #16928

    If you like being cold, you’re in luck. You’ll be in heaven in a few weeks.

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