Upstream is CVC. Downstream is some good water leading to, and including, Gypsy River.
Eloquently said, Jimbo. Besides having the Guad, we should all be grateful to you for all you’ve done for our river.
I wish you luck in finding your camera, Jimbo. I just hope it hasn’t joined the rod I lost to the river gods a few years ago.
There’s a sticky above titled “Lease Access Site Pictures and Information” that will tell you all you need to know.
I’ll be there to contribute my brute strength to the effort.
I think you should reply to Dan’s original post so that he has a good count of how many people will be attending.
Did that salmon have a torn left pectoral fin? If so, I think I caught and released that fish last fall at Little Ponderosa.
I suggest that you worry less about flies and more about drift. Having said that, ask people what they’re using and try something else. Our trout get fished over a lot, and they tend to find the same flies they see all the time tedious or annoying.
Won’t be long now. You’ll receive an email and there will be an announcement here.
Thanks for the link, Ron. And your question about possible GRTU participation in the plan is a good one.
Todd, I’m not sure what you mean by “Given last years inability to stock for most of the season.” Stocking was pretty normal last year. I attended all three stockings and they went off without a hitch and at pretty much the normal times of year.