Forum Replies Created
Ron – Per your “note”, the survey will go out in March exactly as you’ve been told multiple times in person and in writing. The Chapter meeting is May 14th as Dan stated which will allow a reasonable gap between the late Feb Chapter Meeting and this one, provide some time to digest the survey and was when we had the largest amount of BOD members available to attend. As for your “nonexistent BOD communication” claim, a November Chapter meeting was held, a Newsletter was sent in January to ALL members, a Chapter Meeting was held in February, a Chapter meeting will be held in May, we have done social posts daily, etc., so your nonexistent BOD communication accusation is factually false. I’m not going to allow you to continue to take untrue potshots (like this communication comment) at the BOD any longer without calling BS when it is. You have my cell and my email but choose not to use them. The Forum is NOT the official communication channel of the BOD as I’ve said in here before but yet you get answers to your many questions in here. As an example of the absolute falseness of your claimed nonexistent communication from the Board, your post earlier this month inquiring about the temperature monitors had replies from 2 Officers and 1 Director in less than 12 hours. Another even more recent example is this very thread where you had an Officer responded in less than 24 hours and a Director in less than 36 hours. I’d say that is lightning fast BOD communication to members, especially as this is a volunteer role and people have jobs, families, hobbies, etc. Again, these are simply the facts.
There is a great group of folks working really hard for GRTU (you) for free with an extremely long list of highly successful endeavors as outlined in my winter newsletter article. These accomplishments have been publicly recognized by TU National, TPWD, Flylords, CfR, Project Healing Waters, the Canyon Lake Senior Citizens Food Bank, NM TU, Colorado TU, WORD for our help at Fun Fish and many others. I am very proud of our many accomplishments, most of which required really large efforts by a minute group of volunteers. I am also acutely aware of the LAP’s shortcomings and will do my best along with the BOD to address and remedy those problems. I am pleased that our work on Texas and nationwide youth programs, coldwater conservation, Troutfest TX and a host of other programs performed by a VERY tiny group of volunteers went quite smoothly, were well executed and hugely successful. We are doing our best to add the signup aspect of the “fishing club” portion of GRTU to that list.Jerry – LAP Members only. We discussed the pros and cons of each method at length and went with this decision. We issued passes to every single person who contacted us after the sign up fiascos in 20-21 and 21-22 and although a few may have just given up and not contacted us, this should be a very representative of folks who are invested in the LAP. We will do another survey to the entire membership sometime this summer which will have LAP questions but be much less LAP centric. The responses to this particular survey will be helpful to the Fisheries Committee in making go forward decisions. Thanks for your input on this and also your offer to assist with Fun Fish. Appreciate your willingness to volunteer and help GRTU.
Alex – Agreed. That’s the goal and the reason I’ve said we would do a post TFTX 22 and LAP 21-22 season in here and at the Chapter meeting. We want to align as much as possible with the members wishes. We will not make decisions based on the tiny fraction of our members who post in the Forum and/or are very outspoken on what they want. We will use the survey as additional information for the Fisheries Committee to utilize along with their experience and verbal input from folks and our partners at TPWD and then they will make their recommendation to the BOD for the 22-23 season and beyond.
Thank you for your offer to assist on the Newsletter, I believe Lise has it under control at this time. I may get with you on editing LAP rules and a couple of other items later this year. Again, thanks for offering up your time and expertise to help GRTU.Service on these older 3G monitors was discontinued by the manufacturer effective EOM Feb. We ordered 7 new ones to get all 7 back up and running and paid for them in January. These were scheduled to have arrived already to avoid this lack of service and Chris J and Dan C were to install. Due to supply chain issues they are delayed until late March or early April for a ship date. We’ll see if they get here then. That is the 60,000 foot view, I’ve asked Dan to chime in with the specifics and any corrections to this response. As for temps, the highest reported temperature on Feb 27 was 56.17 degrees and the lowest was 48.23 degrees so it isn’t a concern for awhile as Jimbo stated.
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Some members have gotten them from grtutexas@gmail.com saying the recipient has earned a role as a customer. I have passed this on to our outside IT guy and he is looking into it. As with all the spam and phising and scams in todays world, don’t open emails from addresses you don’t know. I’ll post when I hear back from Adrian.
It’s been on the home page of GRTU.org for a couple of months https://grtu.org/. It is the first item on the home page. This info has also been posted on FB and IG more than a dozen times in the past 90 days stating to purchase Banquet and Movie Night tickets on our home page with the link to get there. An email with the information on where to buy tickets was also emailed to the membership database in December. And as Angela stated it is also on the FB event page.
A quick last thought(s) on the subject for now before it is all TFTX 22 for me until mid March.
In 2016 GRTU had NO Instagram account and less than 500 followers on FB and the LAP sold almost 1,000 passes. 2017 was the same as far as our social media presence and we sold over 1,000 passes. The subjects of overcrowding, poaching, etc. in the Forum were very, very similar in 2016, 2017 as they are in 2022. And 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 for that matter.
We recently requested from WORD the list of guides registered with them. That number is currently at 49 and there are others that aren’t registered we are aware of. This exacerbates the overcrowding and popularity of the resource. That is not an indictment on the local guides at all, just a statement of fact.
We will as a Chapter and as the Board take a serious look at what our members want via the survey and hopefully have a much different and smooth sign up, more lease sites and we will work with TPWD on regualtions and the current poaching issuses. We currently have an excellent relationship with TPWD as is evidenced by their participation and support of Youth Trout Camp, Troutfest TX, the fact GRTU fully funds TPWD’s Summer Intern on the Guad and Carter Smith being our Keynote Speaker at the Banquet next month. We would love to be the only stakeholders in the regulation discussions but we are assuredly not.
OK, that wasn’t quick at all. Time to take the wife and dog to Palmetto State Park for some chilly day hiking. Tight lines to all.
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I had typed a long response a week ago that didn’t post for some reason. Shorter version, we are slammed in January and February with GRTU Youth Trout Camp and Troutfest TX and bluntly, the less than 1% of our membership who volunteer in any form for GRTU are swamped. The LAP will be addressed and a survey sent and decisions made, but it will not happen before March. We will make the best possible decisions based on the survey and the opinions of our membership, not on a small group of folks. Everyone will have a chance to voice their thoughts and wishes. Tight lines, hope everyone is having a good season on the river. Bill Marshall
Both the “Regulations” and “Conduct” documents are on the Membership Page on grtu.org. https://grtu.org/membership/
Jerry – please send me your contact info to wmarsh422@msn.com and I’ll get it to Lise Lozelle our VP Chapter Affairs. Thanks for your offer. Bill
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